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Emotional Intelligence: 10 Doubts You Should Definitely Clarify

Emotional Intelligence 10 Questions

1. What is Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional Intelligence is a 'self-support' string that connects us to others. It serves the person, who can identify emotions while contributing to a positive but realistic view of the surrounding conditions.

It works as a (self) motivation boost. More importantly, it works in the relationship with others, it opens up paths to:

  • wanting to listen and

  • knowing how to listen to those on the other side!

2. Why is it important for Leaders?

It functions first as a radar and then as a support in the relationship with others.

It is good to remember that relationships are, above all, living organisms! People are connected to each other, they interact when they communicate, when they work, when they decide.

A leader who observes and participates at the same time, who points the way and supports along the way, finds it easier to remain at the helm of his or her leadership, and empowers the group of people who contribute to the result. Furthermore, a leader who is aware of the direction of events is more open and ready to accept change while encouraging his team and guiding them beyond the horizon.

3. Are there situations where Emotional Intelligence is not as important?

Very unlikely. EI gives access to numerous 'tools' that are extremely useful for oneself and for the people around you. Being attentive to oneself is fundamental to recognizing emotions, to design strategies for self-motivation, among others.

How many of us would not get out of our beds in the morning if we did not activate our own strategies?

4. Should my company invest in Emotional Intelligence development?

Yes! All organizations should invest in people, in their personal development, and this development will have an impact on the emotional intelligence of each individual, which will, for sure, affect the whole.

I believe this should be the process, from the individual to the collective (be it a team, a company, or other types of organisms).

5. What are some wrong assumptions about Emotional Intelligence?

That it can be propagandized as a single skill when it has so much in it! That's why I argue that EI is the end and not the beginning.

It is an individual work first, of awareness and learning, which then gains wings and touches others around. It does not follow a fixed study script, because it must track what really makes sense for each one.

6. Does Emotional Intelligence affect the way we communicate?

Of course! To communicate is to relate to others.

If we don't do it, aware of what we can explore to find common territories, to lower the 'natural' barriers, we don't reach others. If we don't reach others, it is as if we don't communicate.

Being more competent in EI gives us balance between ourselves and others. It helps us keep our own side in perspective while practicing maximum attention to the other person in front of us. It helps us, without a shadow of a doubt, lower the barriers that usually arise in communication.

7. How can you boost Emotional Intelligence in your life?

  1. Be aware of what you have to work on.

  2. Choose what to work on, when.

  3. Put it into practice regularly.

Getting used to it will be a very natural outcome.

8. How can leaders boost emotional intelligence on team management?

Providing space for the team members to express themselves, to evolve.

Accepting that a team is also a 'living organism', with countless interactions.

Contributing so that the team functions with the best sum of the parts involved, valuing and enhancing the skills in each one, building bridges between elements and stronger traits, leading the team towards new conquests.

9. What public figures are easily relatable to Emotional Intelligence best practice?

  • Dalai Lama, for his extreme attention to others (after inner work).

  • Brene Brown, as an example of growth and development, is based on the concept of vulnerability (a state of 'pain' that can also enhance self-learning).

  • Deepak Chopra, because he believes that within each one of us we have the resources we need for anything we aspire to, all that is needed is to activate them. He promotes an extraordinary inner knowledge, as a condition for everything else, which includes knowing how to live in a world of permanent changes.

10. What is the biggest benefit of developing Emotional Intelligence?

The immense possibility of surprising ourselves and the infinite opportunities that are created, while we discover ourselves.


Claudia Nogueira

Cláudia is a Communication Coach with more than 20 years of experience, advising individuals in different areas.

Coach certified by the International Coaching Federation.

Master Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

Postgraduate degree in Political and Social Marketing, ISCTE.

Degree in Public Relations and Advertising, from Institute of New Professions.


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