Technological evolution requires team adaptability. This is not an easy process for those who lead. Change of habits, individually and corporately, are tremendous challenges. Modifying tech habits is one of the biggest challenges that companies are facing today. The bottom line is: if individual leadership does not support it, companies get in trouble.
There once was a company that rejected change...
A few years ago, I was dealing with a company challenge. The idea was to integrate a new technological solution that would allow a specific group to simplify processes and generate new indicators. This change would create more critical information to make better decisions and move faster to improve deliverable capacity, service integration, and goal achievement.
The core business had a significant weight in the total invoicing and presented itself as the more considerable resistance to change, specifically for its senior leadership. It took a few months to figure out why. There was a complete technological change rejection based on the reputation success already obtained with the "old way of doing it for years." Even though individually, there were promoters and supporters of the new measure, the middle-leadership showed high resistance levels.
The Leadership Key Role in Organizational Change
Changing habits, especially in company groups, poses a real challenge. The technological culture generated in companies with highly different profiles becomes a complex management reality. Diverse sensibilities, different levels of receptivity to novelty and the need for change, transform the decision-making process regarding "technological integration," a massive headache for management. Leadership has, obviously, a key role.
Finding the Right Approach
After a few lost months figuring out why they were not getting the desired support, the decision was to move forward with a different approach. The option was to start with the trendy companies and leaders benchmarked for innovation in the group. They became the "great force of change."
They represented a minority of the total reality but were still the strongest influencers of novelty. They were also newcomers, recent acquisitions, from different corporate cultures. It started with them and only later expanded to the traditional business, the majority. Those teams and leaderships presented a complete desire and enthusiasm over innovation.
They led the process, embraced the technology with success, and, layer by layer, the whole group did it. And even today, it is a factor with a tremendous impact on the culture and performance, even among the "core traditional" company.
Change starts with a few, ends with all
When dealing with contexts of historical success, the resistance to new approaches increases exponentially. It is critical to identify the vital elements of innovation resistance and promotion. Without individual leadership on board, it might become impossible to achieve. Changing habits involves much resistance at the beginning and a great deal of satisfaction afterward.
Nowadays, Mindset Transformation is a must
Companies and people must regularly train to adapt to new habits. Not just for technological reasons but also due to systematic change. Transformation is a critical factor in your performance and success and every professional, namely, the leadership, must prepare themselves with the right mentality to make it happen.