Every single person has his/her own story, beliefs, values, and distinctive features. And everything converges to a very particular leadership that takes on the DNA of each one.
Leadership democratization recognizes that if each team member can put their own leadership into action, then they can inspire others to do the same.
As a Leader, what can do to embrace Leadership Democratization?
✔️Have Respect for people and have the ability to build bonds.
✔️Express the desire to make those team members progress so that they can excel, and gladly embrace the challenges that arise.
✔️Be open to change, especially in these times.
✔️Keep a sharp critical sense, have the courage to challenge the status quo through bold new perspectives.
✔️Communicate clearly and promote it within teams.
✔️Inspire responsibility in order to broaden the decision-making capacity and to promote the sustainability of activities and businesses.
After having fulfilled all these points, a leader will probably inspire others, creating opportunities and value beyond anything you thought possible!
So what are you waiting for?
